My life would never be the same. On October 6, 2010 at 9:38pm, a child was born. Not just any child either....she was my child. So here is the thing that we call a "Labor Story"...every woman has one and even though some don't admit it, everyone loves sharing theirs. So here we go!!
As soon as I found out my due date, I immediately went to a calendar and prayed that October 8th would not fall on a Friday. Well, God sure does have a sense of humor because not only did it fall on a fell on a Friday that Stephen had an away game on Saturday. What does that mean? Just that on the day I'm due, he'd be in ARIZONA!! My doctor and I had a plan though. If she didn't come on the 8th, we'd induce on the 10th for 3 reasons. 1) Stephen would DEFINITELY be there for the birth. 2) My doctor would actually be delivering my baby. and 3) 10/10/10 is a pretty cool birthday! But like I said, God was just playing a prank haha. My last appointment was scheduled for October 6th and thank the Lord for that. A few days before that, my Mom and I took Florence to Portland to go to Utah. The whole ride there, Leimana was going NUTS inside of me. I couldn't sit still because she couldn't sit still. When we got back, I finally started getting what I'm thinking were braxton hicks. Monday came around and it was time to go pick Florence up at the airport...I opted out of that though, because those braxton hicks became a little stronger and I didn't really feel like having a baby on the road. They got home early Tuesday morning and the contractions really started coming every 10 minutes. I called the hospital and they said wait till they're 5 and then come in. Well...a little after I called I had what they call "bloody show" (TMI...I KNOW RIGHT LOL) Anyway...I called the hospital again and they said......wait till they're 5 minutes. Then came Wednesday. Oh Wednesday. My last appointment before my due date. I'm so glad it was in the morning or else I'd be going nuts waiting. Here is the last picture of belly before my big appointment:

As soon as I walked in my doctor's appointment, the nurse said "You're ready. You're face says it all." Gee thanks. But those contractions were hitting every 4-5 minutes so I knew I was ready too. Well, the normal appointment went as planned and I finally got checked!! The doctor looked up at me and told me that I was definitely gonna have her today because I was already 3 centimeters. She sent me home and told me to eat a little something and come back at 2 to get checked again and then I'd be taken to a room. So, I went back at 2 and I was off to the hospital I went!! I called Stephen, who was in class, and told him it'd probably be a while before stuff gets interesting so he could just kick back and go to practice and what not. But of course we had to take some "She's going to the hospital to have the baby finally" pictures!
Mama and me. I called her right after my appointment and told her the details...she cried. =)
Floflo and me.....little did the homies know....that SHE was pregnant too!! HAHAHA!!
Just breathing. I swear I'd give myself contractions from laughing....reminder to never have Florence with me during labor.
Finally I was checked in and all smiles...the nurses said I definitely wasn't in labor because I was smiling. They said...we'll see you at 7cm and see if you're still smiling. Stephen got off of practice around 5:30 or so and came straight to the hospital. I think I was around 6cm by then and they broke my water. EWW. I thought it was bad when they broke it on the bed...but then I stood up and that's when the dam emptied. Here's some shots during la labor....
Obviously this is when I first checked in.....
No...not a cigarette in his mouth...just a popsicle that I couldn't finish
First time standing up after they broke my water and wanting to get in the tub already.
So after breaking my water, I tried the tub....that lasted about 10 minutes. You see, I was having back labor, so those jets hitting my back kinda sucked so I basically hopped in and hopped back out. But by the time I got out of the tub I was 7cm. This was about 8pm. Now, I think I scared myself watching all those TLC shows of Baby Story and Bringing home baby because labor wasn't too bad for me. I thought I'd be screaming and crying and getting that epidural. So at around 9pm my mom had to go put Mr.MacDonald in bed...I said that'd be fine because I still had 3 centimeters to go. Also, we sent Florence to get drinks and some clothes from home.
WELL. At 9:15, I had these 4 redonklous contractions and I told Stephen to get that doctor in here and check me(which also hurts). She said I was READY TO PUSH!! Omg!! We called my Mom and Florence and had them come back....I pushed for 11 minutes and at about minute 5, my mom walked she was greeted beaver first by me lol but really. I have to admit I was a little jerk for the pushing part. Stephen and my mom were trying to be really helpful telling me to be strong and push her out....well...I went laborzilla and told them to Shut up...I still feel so bad for that. Anyway....after all that, we got this:
Leimana Fungani Losehina Leiataua Taylor Paea was born October 6, 2010 at 9:38pm
She weighed in at 8lbs 0.5oz and 21.5in long.
There's no way to describe how I felt at that moment. All I knew was that I didn't matter anymore...she was my everything.