The Point.

We met. We fell in Love. Had a Baby. Got Married. Now living a completely amazing life. *sigh*

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm WHAT? For real? Actually??

Well it started out just as any other winter term would...I skipped all my morning classes the first week. About 2 weeks in, and still feelin' rich from my scholarship checks, I decided that Florence and I should have a girls weekend or overnight trip or whatever. Sooo, I decided that we could go to Portland for the night! Well....being that Stephen and I were so used to being with each other every night we knew that we'd miss each other....sooo yeah we sealed the deal the night before and well what do you know...that next month I miss my period. Here's some TMI for you. I had really irregular periods that would last from 4-14 days. I to be me! So even though I knew I had them, I always always always thought I was pregnant every month....6 pregnancy tests and 1 visit to options pregnancy later I found out my life would change forever. I WAS PREGNANT DUH. Now here's how the conversation went telling Stephen this news.

Me: Hun.....
*Playing COD*
Stephen: Yeah babe what
Me: LOOK!! (shows him the 2 positive pregnancy tests)
Stephen: What
Me: LOOK!!!
Stephen: What's that mean?
Stephen: Are you sure?? (still eyes are glued to the television)
Me: Yeah...okay well thank you for being excited
Stephen: I's just you always think you're pregnant. Get more tests.

Finally...after showing him 2 digital pregnancy tests and 2 more that I took to prove to my Mom and a note from Options Pregnancy stating I am indeed pregnant...his first words are: "I'm scared."
You're scared? Uhhh...about what? Last time I checked your body, hormones and life in general aren't going to change drastically in the next 9+ months. Perhaps afterwards life will, but until then buddy...scared is my word. body in the following months:

About 7 months in to it..

8 months....

Full Term like WHAT

To this....

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